New Podcast Appearance
It was such a pleasure speaking with Dr. Grace Yum of Mommy Dentists in Business about how parents can start tricky conversations with...

'Boys & Sex' Reveals That Young Men Feel 'Cut Off From Their Hearts'
"We don't really have the luxury, in this current culture, of silence. Because if we don't talk to our kids, the media is going to...

The ‘Euphoria’ Teenagers Are Wild. But Most Real Teenagers Are Tame.
A worthwhile read and great example of the stereotypical way that teens are depicted in the media. Today's teens are participating in...

How To Make Sex More Dangerous
"When we refuse to teach students about sex, we don’t stop sex — we just make it more dangerous."

Getting ‘Consent’ for Sex Is Too Low a Bar
Talking with teens about sex should be about so much more than just STD's, unwanted pregnancy, and the legal definition of consent. Here...

A Dad Tries to Explain Sex to His Son and Finds the Meaning of Life
This!! Right here! THIS is why I love what I do. There are so many aspects of ADOLESSONS that I enjoy, and my absolute favorite is...

Don't Talk to Your Sons About Sex -- Talk to Them About This Instead
Let's change the script for boys-- they deserve meaningful conversations about sex. "Teenage boys are inherently capable of having rich...

Don't Buy the Idea That Teens Are Having Less Sex Until You Take a Closer Look At the Data
This article makes the very important point that we as parents, health professionals, educators, and researchers need to do a better job...

How Technology Changes Teen Romance
I'm adding this to the Adolessons required reading list. This topic is so near and dear to my heart. We MUST start having more open...

Understand Consent With the Help of Stick Figures and a Cup of Tea
The topic of consent came up the other day, so I am revisiting the cup of tea video. (language/ F-bomb alert, but it's hilarious and...