The Unending Assaults on Girlhood
This is a worthwhile read from Sophie Gilbert on Lebos' book Girlhood (which I will be ordering asap). "There is, and always has been, a...

Raising An Athletic Daughter?
Can't wait for this event. Hope you can join us!! Click on the link above to register.

13 Ways to Boost Your Daughter's Self Esteem
Our kids are bombarded by messages suggesting that appearances are everything. How we talk to them, and how they hear us talk about...

Dress Codes: Who Gets to Decide What a Girl Should Wear?
This is SUCH a hot-button topic of conversation in my world, and there are no easy answers. This piece is full of wonderful food for...

Newsflash: Your Girl Doesn't Have to Be Friends with Everyone
Managing friendships and personalities is challenging, to say the least. Here's a developmentally appropriate piece on the topic.

Girls and Their Frenemies
Don't you want to scoop up this little girl and give her a hug? This is a great piece on girls and relational aggression, and what...

How to Help Your Daughter Cope With Mean Girls
Parents of girls: Here is a helpful article, with lots of words of wisdom, from Rachel Simmons re: relational aggression. Some behaviors...

Nepalese Girls Take Photos of All the Things They Are Not Allowed to Touch During Their Periods
Perspective for our daughters.

Early Puberty in Girls Raises the Risk of Depression
People are sometimes surprised to learn that I give seminars on puberty to parents of kids as young as 2nd and 3rd grade. Puberty is...

Breast and Body Changes Are Driving Teen Girls Out of Sports
Wow, a little conversation can go a long way. Here is a review of an interesting study recently published in The Journal of Adolescent...