Today's Teen Party Culture
Beyond excited for this NEW seminar on Today's Teen Party Culture. Have questions about the vaping epidemic, weed, alcohol, parties &...

We're Teaching Consent All Wrong
"Teach consent as a life skill—not just a sex skill—beginning in early childhood, and begin discussing consent and communication in the...

How Fathers Should Talk With Their Sons About Sex in the #MeToo Era
Fantastic piece on talking with boys about sex. I'd argue it's not just for fathers...

Getting ‘Consent’ for Sex Is Too Low a Bar
Talking with teens about sex should be about so much more than just STD's, unwanted pregnancy, and the legal definition of consent. Here...

Teach Teens Communication Skills, Not Abstinence, in Sex Education Classes
There is so much more to discuss than just abstinence and STI's. Communication is key, and something that we can start teaching well...

Understand Consent With the Help of Stick Figures and a Cup of Tea
The topic of consent came up the other day, so I am revisiting the cup of tea video. (language/ F-bomb alert, but it's hilarious and...

Talking to Teens About Sex, Intimacy, and Consent In the Hookup Culture
This is an excellent read on the topic of why and how to become an "askable" parent, when it comes to the subject of sex. "By creating an...

The Healthy Sex Talk: Teaching Kids Consent, Ages 1-21
Freshman orientation is not when we should be teaching consent for the first time. Consent can be taught from a very early age-- before...

Change Your Thinking On Teen Sex
If you haven't already read Peggy Orenstein's book Girls and Sex (you should), check out her fantastic interview in Goop and change the...