A Dad Tries to Explain Sex to His Son and Finds the Meaning of Life
This!! Right here! THIS is why I love what I do. There are so many aspects of ADOLESSONS that I enjoy, and my absolute favorite is...

Is Your Child Lying to You? That's Good
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Do you think your child lies? Here's some interesting research on the subject.

What Teens Wish Their Parents Knew About Social Media
There is so much to gain from listening to teens. Check out this article for great insider info on social media-- from teens themselves...

One in Ten Girls is Catcalled Before Her 11th Birthday. Here Are Six Things Parents Can Do About it
I'll bet every woman reading can remember the very first time they were catcalled growing up. I do. It's all the subsequent times that...

Teenagers, Stop Asking For Nude Photos
You may have cautioned your teens about sending naked pics, but have you talked about not ASKING for nudes? Here's a great piece on the...