Hi, I’m Dolly Klock. I’m a family medicine physician and mom of two teens. Over the last twenty years, I’ve had the privilege of helping countless kids and their parents start important conversations about tricky subjects— puberty and sex, substance use, body image, mental health, technology use, and so much more. I love talking about all the stuff that other people find awkward. Here’s just a sampling of the kinds of questions I get:
When and how should I start talking to my kids about puberty or sex? Or better yet… will you just do it for me?
I found my 12-year-old son googling “boobs”-- what do I do?
Can you talk to my high schooler and his friends about fentanyl?
My middle schooler’s friends are vaping. How do I keep my kid from following in their footsteps?
My 16-year-old is getting serious with her boyfriend. How do I talk to her about safe sex, while still imparting our family’s values?
What’s the right age for a first phone? What about social media?
Why is my tween so grouchy after school?
I just discovered that my daughter has been watching porn. What should I do?
Most pediatricians and family doctors do a wonderful job of tackling these subjects during medical visits, but in the midst of a busy practice, time is not always on their side. It is quite common for parents to want extra support in this area, and kids often need additional time to open up. ADOLESSONS was born with this in mind. It is my goal that, together, we will be able to open lines of communication, tackle important topics with facts and humor, and build community.
Let’s talk.

Dolly Klock, MD is a board-certified family medicine physician, founder of Adolessons, speaker, consultant and mom of two teens. Dr. Klock holds a BS from UCLA, an MD from Albany Medical College, and completed her Family Medicine residency at Brown University-Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island. She has over twenty years experience helping families connect over tricky topics, and believes that the best preventive medicine is delivered via effective health education. Through Adolessons, Dr. Klock provides individual and group consultations for parents, teens and tweens, around a variety of topics germane to child and adolescent health: childhood sexual development, puberty, teen sexualtiy in the digital age, body image, mental health, vaping/substance use, and more
Legal Disclaimer: ADOLESSONS is designed as an educational resource on the topics of puberty, child and adolescent health and development, and parenting. Neither ADOLESSONS nor Dolly Klock, MD provide any individualized medical advice in this forum or in connection with ADOLESSONS. If you have medical or mental health questions or issues specific to your health or that of your family, you must contact your physician, or in the event you are having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 immediately.
Interested in scheduling a
seminar or consultation
with Dr. Klock?
Sign up for
the Adolessons
newsletter here.
Bring Adolessons...
to your home, school, business or organization for an engaging workshop or seminar. The following is a list of Adolessons’ most requested talks, all of which can be tailored to your group’s specific needs. Additional topics are available upon request.
Seminars and Workshops
For Parents and Educators

Bodies, Boundaries and
the Birds & Bees
Calling all elementary school parents! Whether you feel like you just finished potty training or your kid is in full-fledged puberty, this workshop is for you. Learn how to start important, protective and FUN conversations with your child and establish yourself as an askable parent for those inevitable and tricky questions about body parts, nudity, co-bathing, privacy, puberty, sex and more.
90 minutes

Puberty Prep for Parents
Changing bodies, crushes, eye rolls, questions about sex. Puberty is here (or on the horizon), so let’s talk about it! We will cover the physical and emotional changes of puberty, adolescent brain development, and how to talk with your kids about puberty and sex, as well as the extra layer that online spaces add to these conversations. This workshop is geared toward parents of 3rd-6th graders.
90 minutes

Whether screen-time battles with your kids are a daily reality or you feel like you have the tech scene under control, join Dolly Klock, MD for a community discussion about kids and screens. We will talk about the challenges of parenting in the digital space, considerations when introducing new devices and platforms, the intersection of puberty and tech, and finding balance in a way that feels right for your family.
90 minutes

Who’s Hot, Who’s Not?
How the Media shapes Body Image:
It’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not in today’s world. In this workshop, we will examine feminine and masculine beauty ideals, the manipulation of images through photoshop and filters and discuss how modern day images, advertisements and messages from media impact self-image, expectations and health.
90 minutes

Teen Party Culture
Whether your teens are heading off to big parties, hanging out with small groups of friends, or at home alone, teen party culture is a part of their lives. This workshop designed for parents of middle and high schoolers will cover teen development, important information about vaping, weed and booze, Snapchat dealers and fentanyl poisonings, as well as practical tips for safer partying and “outs” for sticky situations.
90 minutes

Teen Hookups in the Digital Age
Puberty, Hookups, Sexting, oh my! Talking about sex with teens can be tricky, and the digital landscape adds an extra layer to the conversation. Let’s dig into how to talk with your middle and high schoolers about changing bodies, sex, relationships, consent, sexting, online exposure to pornography and more.
90 minutes

College Health: A Guide to Physical, Mental and Sexual Health on College Campuses
Your kid is off to college. Now what? Learn what you need to know about college physical and mental health services, confidentiality, student self-advocacy and what to pack in a dorm first-aid kit. We’ll also cover pre-gaming and hookups and thoughts for safer partying.
90 minutes
Don’t see what you are looking for? Just ask. Other offerings include, Sports Parenting, Relationships, the Teen Brain, Dads Only groups and parenting book club and more. Variations of the above topics are also offered as joint parent-teen programs and as faculty in-service workshops. All talks are available in person or via Zoom.
Seminars and Workshops
Tween and Teen Groups
The following workshops are geared toward the kids, presented with facts and humor, and designed to allow for
parent and child participation and connection. The goal is to kick-start important conversations which can be continued at home.

TweenTalk Series
Puberty doesn’t have to be so awkward. This fun and interactive series is designed for groups of kids and parents to participate in together. We will cover all things puberty: moods, body image, sleep, the changes that ALL bodies go through during puberty, menstruation, reproduction, pregnancy, childbirth, consent and more. This experience is geared toward 4th-6th graders, offered for single or mixed gender groups, and is tailored to the developmental stage of the kids attending.
90 minutes

TeenTalk Series
Gather a group of teens (sorry parents, we’re kicking you out for this one) and we’ll cover the topic of your choice: parties and substances, body image, social media, hookups & sex, relationships, college health and more.
90 minutes
Dolly is a nationally sought after speaker and consultant, teaching audiences of parents, teens & tweens, educators, health professionals and more, at the following schools and organizations…


So many books, so little time
Here are just a few of Adolessons' Favorites
Adolescent Development | Mental Health | Social Dynamics
When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic-and What We Can Do About It
The Emotional Lives of Teenagers:
Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents
A Youth Sports Parenting Guide for Raising Happy, Brave, and Resilient Kids
Kirsten Jones
Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen:
The Essential Conversations You Need
to Have with Your Kids Before They
Start High School, Michelle Icard
How to Talk with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home, William Stixrud PhD, Ned Johnson
Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions Into Adulthood, Lisa Damour, PhD
A Neuroscientist’s Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults,
Frances E. Jensen, MD
with Amy Ellis Nutt
On Sex and Hookup Culture:
Sex Positive Talks to Have With Kids:
A guide to raising sexually healthy, informed, empowered young people,
Melissa Pintor Carnagey
Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity
Peggy Orenstein
For Goodness Sex: Changing the Way We Talk to Teens about Sexuality, Values and Health, Al Vernacchio
Everything You Need to Know to Become Your Kids’ “Go-To” Person About Sex,
Deborah Roffman
Teen party culture and college health:
What They Don't Teach Teens:
Life Safety Skills for Teens and the Adults Who Care for Them,
Jonathan Cristall
The Ultimate College Student Health Handbook:
Your Guide for Everything from Hangovers to Homesickness,
Jill Grimes MD
How to Support Your Teen, Stay Close as a Family, and Raise Independent Adults,
Lisa Heffernan &
Mary Del Harrington
Why Tweens and Teens Aren't Sleeping Enough and How We Can Help Them
Heather Turgeon MFT
Why We Sleep:
Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams,
Matthew Walker, PhD
Why Our Teenagers Are So Tired, and How Parents and Schools Can Help Them Thrive
Lisa L. Lewis MS
Parenting in the Digital AGE:
Growing Up in Public:
Coming of Age in a
Digital World,
Devorah Heitner
Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive)
in Their Digital World,
Devorah Heitner
books to share with tweens
These are books about puberty, puberty and sex, personal safety, and the digital world.
Please read them first, before sharing with your child, to make sure that they are a good fit for your family.
The Care and Keeping of You 2,
Dr. Cara Natterson
Ultimate Kids' Guide to Being Super Healthy:
What You Need To Know About Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Hygiene, Stress, Screen Time, and More
65 Hugely Useful, Super-Important Skills to Learn before You're Grown Up,
Catherine Newman
A Kids Book About Anxiety
Safety Rules for Kids & Grown-Ups, Pattie Fitzgerald
(Again, please check these out before sharing with your teen to make sure they are a good fit):


Here's what people are saying about AdoLessons and Dr. Klock.
Dolly Klock is a godsend! Her credentials are mightily impressive, as is her humanity, and her sense of humor -- all vital ingredients in reaching her audience. She introduces language and knowledge to pave the way for clearer understanding and empathy during a time of phenomenal growth and development. Dolly's down-to-earth attitude and genuine caring bring insight and comfort to all ages.
— John Evans,
Head of School, Village School
Dr. Dolly Klock is an absolute gem in the field of public speaking. With topics ranging from healthy relationships to the dangers of vaping, fentanyl, and more, she has an ability to convey scary information in a way that empowers and uplifts her audience. Parents leave her talks feeling equipped to help their children navigate life's challenges. Dr. Klock's remarkable gift for communication also extends to teenagers, who are drawn to her engaging and relatable style. Her ability to connect with this demographic is truly extraordinary. We cannot recommend Dr. Dolly Klock highly enough and are grateful for the invaluable contribution she has made to our community.
— Ali Norman,
Wellness Counselor, Beverly Hills High School
Dr. Klock is exceptionally knowledgeable and uniquely skilled at titrating her presentation to each particular audience while also sending a consistent message. She has presented a number of times for us, including workshops with our graduating seniors and parent presentations, and she has consulted on our Health Education curriculum. I recommend her with absolutely no reservations; the fact that we continue to invite her back for additional presentations speaks for itself.
— Mariasa Crandall,
Director of Educational and Counseling Services, Marlborough School
Thank you for giving me
the courage to talk proactively
with my boys.
Dr. Dolly is warm, funny, whip-smart— a perfect combination when discussing the science and the emotional nuances of adolescence. Her seminar was informative, entertaining, and empowering. Dr. Dolly is a terrific resource and ally!
Adolessons is the best gift you could give the pre-teens and teens in your life.
— Allegra Richdale
Thank goodness for ADOLESSONS! Dr. Dolly Klock did a fantastic job providing me and my friends with much needed information and advice for understanding and coping with the difficult period of adolescence. Dolly helped us understand the changes our children are experiencing and how we as parents can support and guide them. ADOLESSONS is a must for any parent of a prepubescent child. I was very nervous about what was to come and Dolly eased my fears and gave me the tools I need. Thanks Dolly!
Thank you so much, Dolly, for the always engaging discussion. It was fun to see how *** interacted with her crew. I loved seeing her open up and talking about everything with you. You are magical.
After attending Dr. Dolly’s seminar, I was well-informed about what puberty means for both boys and girls, where I could go to find further resources, and, most importantly, Dr. Dolly armed me with the tools to start having important conversations about this otherwise sensitive topic. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was able to employ the skills and knowledge that I learned from Dr. Dolly almost immediately to open dialogue with my kids. Dr. Dolly is passionate about this topic and is able to impart an incredible amount of information from a medical standpoint and from a social/emotional standpoint in a wonderfully easy-going manner. I would highly recommend this seminar to all parents.
It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Actually, it was fun and funny.”
I really liked hearing Dr. Dolly talk. It was nice being with a small group of friends vs. being at school where everyone is trying so hard to be cool about this stuff.

Interested in scheduling a seminar or consultation with Dr. Klock?